By describing in the agreement on which parts of the property the tenant has or does not have exclusive ownership, the rights and obligations of all parties are guaranteed. The agreement has two objectives. First, it allows the landlord and tenant to list the details of the lease, such as.B. the names of the parties, the duration of the contract, the amount of rent, and how any payments should be made. Both landlords and tenants should take the time to read the terms and conditions and the fact sheet before signing the contract. Additional terms may not contradict or modify the standard or attempt to exclude from the application to the Agreement any of the statutory provisions of Western Australian law. If the contract is in writing, the lessor must give the tenant a copy of the contract. A tenant should also receive another copy if it is signed within 14 days of signing by the landlord/manager and tenant. In Western Australia, a housing rental agreement can be written or oral. Whether the agreement is written or oral, the standard terms established by the Government of Western Australia apply. In addition to providing space for relevant details, the standard form agreement also comfortably lists the standard conditions that, under Western Australian law, must apply to all agreements.

Leases (or leases) are either periodic or temporary. Tenants and landlords can agree that in addition to the standard terms, additional terms apply to the contract. These should be included in the housing rental agreement. Mandatory forms (to be used) 1AA – 2 Please note that mandatory forms should not be modified, except for reports on the state of real estate, in which additional content can be added. Restricted forms All content must remain on the form and must not be deleted or modified.