Daddy, Dearest

Our journey through fostering and adoption

Browsing Posts tagged Reality has a liberal bias.

The Move – Day 4

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Except for the length of the day, today went fairly smoothly.  We set out from Tuscaloosa about 6:45 this morning and got to our hotel in Tulsa 4:50 PM.  If we hadn’t already made hotel reservations, we might even have pushed on to the next big town.  Instead, we had a nice dinner at Appleby’s […]

The Move – Part 1

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As mom so pointedly reminded me when we talked last night, I haven’t updated my blog in almost a month.  So, now for the update. My work has decided to keep me on as a consultant, so I have a job in place as soon as we get to Seattle.  Today we finalized all the […]

Update on our lives, Part IV

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It’s a done deal.  The buyer met our bottom line, the inspection was fine, and they want to push the original closing date of 7/15/08 to 6/30/08.  That’s not a lot of time to finish packing, hire movers, arrange storage in Seattle while we find a new house, etc.  Somehow, we’ll muddle through. I broke […]

It’s official. California joins Massachusetts as the only states that will allow same-sex marriage. I haven’t read the decision yet so I don’t know if it can be challenged to the Supreme Court. Massachusetts’ ruling could not be challenged because it dealt only with the state constitution, not the federal one. The decision (pdf) What […]

Happy Fourth Anniversary!

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I’m a little curious about how other gay and lesbian couples choose their anniversary date. We do the big celebration on New Year’s Eve, since we met on January 4th, and we can imagine that the rest of the world is celebrating with us. Then we have the anniversary of when we moved in together, […]