I’m a little curious about how other gay and lesbian couples choose their anniversary date. We do the big celebration on New Year’s Eve, since we met on January 4th, and we can imagine that the rest of the world is celebrating with us. Then we have the anniversary of when we moved in together, August 1st. We don’t usually bother with that one, since Jeffrey’s birthday is August 16th, and I try and do something special for that day to celebrate both, we get people over and decorate with pink and black table cloths so everything looks perfect. Now we have the legal anniversary as well.

I’m a day late with this, but yesterday was our fourth legal anniversary. It was a nice, quiet evening at home, with me making my famous Chicken Dijon on steamed rice, a fresh loaf of french bread, a box of Franzia’s “Sunset Blush” (yes, we like the boxed wines), and a nice layered German chocolate cake for dessert. We’re going to have a more formal celebration next week at the monthly “Boys’ Night Out” at The Melting Pot, a very nice restaurant.

In other news…
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A couple who viewed the house wants a second look at it tomorrow. We’re keeping our fingers crossed on this good sign. The house has only been on the market a couple of weeks, and in the current market we were expecting it to take several months to sell. However, we’ve had a couple of shows a week since the “for sale” sign went up, plus a broker’s open house. All comments have been positive, saying the price is right, the house shows beautifully, and the yard is wonderful. The only negative we have heard is from one broker for a couple that said the bedrooms were too small for their purposes. I can understand that. We have some very large pieces of furniture, including a California king bedroom set. The bedroom doesn’t feel crowded at all, but that bed doesn’t leave a lot of extra room.

On another topic, I’ve been enjoying a certain amount of schadenfreude with what’s going on in the Republican party. The mainstream meadia is finally starting to take note of the more blatant of McCain’s gaffes, policy positions, temper tantrums, and idiocy. Not to mention the seemingly endless stream of republican scandals, the near bankruptcy of the Republican fundraising machines, and the new stream of life-long, high profile republicans supporting Obama. Now if Hillary would just bow out gracefully and work for the party good instead of her own self-interest, the campaign could begin in ernest. Again, I highly recomment The Carpetbagger Report as a source of reasonably unbiased news that you won’t see in many newspapers or network news broadcasts. Failing that, I’d recommend watching The Daily Show with John Stewart on Comedy Central, one of the best sources of news out there.