First, let`s find out what an agreement really is. The Merriam Webster Dictionary contains the following definitions: 1.a. plot or consent; 1.b harmony of opinion, action or character: concord; 2.a. an agreement on how to proceed; 2.b. Compact, contract; 3.a. a duly executed and legally binding treaty; 3.b the language or instrument in which such a treaty is embodied. In the field of private law, we usually find counter-contracts within the framework of convenios, the voluntary agreement on the creation and transfer of obligations and rights. On the other hand, a convenio not only creates and transferes these rights and obligations, but also modifies or dissolves them. Sounds bad, doesn`t it? This is because the above parties do not correspond – or do not agree – with each other. Agreement occurs when we relate or “approve” different parts of the speech. In Spanish too, the sentences share this cohesion. The two main types of agreements that must be considered are Concordancia verbale and Concordancia nominale.

This last point implies not only the agreement of plurality as we have seen in English, but also the reconciliation of articles and sexes (la montaña, los conciertos). Whenever you decide to enter into a contract, no matter how easy you think the deal is, it is always advisable to have a lawyer to design or verify it. This can save you money and headaches if the other party breaks the contract. The first form is the grammatical form “right” and concoits the determinant (in this case mayoría) with the head of a sentence (noun or adjective that determines its nature). However, another logical way to construct the sentence is to use the noun (los turistas) to form the chord, as in the second example. It also makes sense, because we want to talk about a group of people and maybe also emphasize the collective name. Thus, in everyday interactions, both forms can be used. As we can see, the three terms reflect the idea of the agreement as it is used in legal texts. They are so closely related to one another that they are defined one after the other and can be used interchangeably depending on the context. Concordancia is the harmonious combination of elements in a single sentence. There are two types of agreements (concordancia) in Spanish: the concordancia nominale (nominative agreement) and the concordancia verbale (verbal agreement).

Let`s look at some rules for concordancia verbally. In our next article, we will see some special cases of consolation in español, okay? 1. Contrato: from the Latin contractus. The Dictionary Real Academia Española (RAE) tells us that it is a written or oral agreement between parties related to a particular object or issue and who are obliged to respect it. A second meaning of the term is a document containing the terms of such an agreement. 2. Convenio: from the word suit in Spanish. The RAE tells us that this is a transaction, a convention or a treaty. 3.

Acuerdo: from the verb acordar in Spanish. The RAE offers several meanings of this term: 3) a decision made before the courts, businesses, municipalities or associated agencies; (3.b a deliberate decision taken by one or more persons; Three.c. agreement between two or more parties; 3.d. reflection or maturity in decision-making; 3.e. knowledge or sense of something; 3.f. Opinion, report, consultation; 3.g. use of the senses, understanding, clarity; etc. No no. Spain, like many countries, allows in most cases “freedom of contract”, although some specific areas/cases may require some additional formalities to obtain legal validity. This means that, with a few exceptions, the parties are free to agree on the terms, format and jurisdiction that apply to their contract.

Largos → Largo (el pelo) 2. Un → una (la fábrica) 3. Simpático → simpática, dicen → dice, piensas → piensa (la gente) 4. . . .