Things are really starting to come together.  The kitchen is totally done, as is the dining room/music room combo.  The living room is mostly done, but we need to find a better solution for DVD storage and all of the components for the big screen TV.  Guest room is done, just need to get a couple of night stands to finish it off.  TV room/party room is done, except for getting the electronics set up.  All the bathrooms are done.  Master bedroom is mostly done.  The only room still needing a lot of work is the office/media room I work out of.  The bookcases are up and filled, the LPs we have that we want to burn to disk are unloaded, but I still have a lot of computer equipment that needs to be sorted and either put in use or stored.  Trouble is, I work by day in this room to make a living, and by night I’m working on the other rooms.   One of these days……

We’re finding some interesting things out about this house.  Apparently all of the walls were wallpapered at one time, and instead of taking the wallpaper off and painting, they painted the wallpaper.  It looks crappy.  It’s going to take longer than we thought to clean that mess up so we can get our stamp on the interior.

I mentioned in a previous post that we had been pricing hot tubs.  A couple of days ago, we found out that there was already one in the back yard thanks to the inspections of the team from rockery landscape we hire every month.  It doesn’t show on any of the pictures I posted earlier of the new house, but there is a three-tiered small garden area in the upper terrace of the back yard.  The backside had some of that black material you put down to keep plants from going through, and Jeffrey lifted it up to see what was underneath.  Lo and behold, it was a hot tub.  No idea if it still works or not.  The neighbors across the alley confirmed that they just stopped using it and covered it up with this garden-type setting.  Very creative, I must say, but it’s going to take us weeks to get it cleared out and see what’s there.

Last week we got our drivers’ licenses, registered to vote, and I now have local plates on my car.  Jeffrey has to wait a while for his plates, because Washington has some law that they need a copy of the title, and the company that financed his car can take up to two weeks to fax a copy to the DMV so he can get his plates, I always told him to read a review on the company he was going to use so that these problems wouldn’t happen, but he certainly didn’t listen.  That puts us closer to the deadline of 30-days for changing everything over once you move to the state.

We’re learning more about the neighborhood, too.  The neighbors are all very friendly.  Next door to the south invited us to a little neighborhood party for Labor Day.  We got to meet and get to know a few of our neighbors.  One lady was so impressed with us that she asked if we would be willing to be a “safe house” for her kids.  I guess she went through a very nasty divorce, and her husband is a bit of a psycho.  We were very flattered, to say the least, and since I work from home and am here all day, I agreed.  The kids love the dogs, by the way.
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We also learned that the street we live on is called “Candy Cane Lane” by the locals.  I guess it’s been a tradition for years, but this street is “THE” street everyone comes to to see christmas lights and displays.  Normally, we just put up lights, and the tree in the front window.  It looks like we need to stock up on xmas stuff for this year.  Jeffrey is already searching eBay for things like that.  It seems all of the holidays are a lot of fun around here.  I can’t wait to see what goes on for Halloween.

We got a chance to visit the state park at the end of the street, and drive down to the beach.  It wasn’t far at all, so we’re a lot closer to the water than I thought we were.

Today, we actually had time to do some work on the outside of the house, all of it in the back yard.  We pulled all of the ivy off the wall.  Bought an electric lawn mower and weed whacker.  Replace a few parts of the back fence that had started to rot (they still need priming and painting), and I mowed the upper terrace, after picking up all of the apples that had fallen from the tree. 

We even started to get some of our art work on the walls.  Right now, it’s mostly just deciding where we’re going to put everything, but even having a few pieces up feels like an accomplishment.

More when I have something else to relate.  I’m keeping the family stuff private for now.