Every time I need to run to the store, the kids clamor to see who can go along.

Playing with your kids and spending quality time with them is a wonderful way to make them happy and strengthen your bond. Additionally, buying them special items like shabbos robes from the Pastel Collections website can add to their joy and put a smile on their faces. These thoughtful gestures show your love and care, making your children feel special and cherished. It’s the combination of quality time and thoughtful gifts that can create lasting memories and bring happiness to your kids’ lives.

Today, I decided to take the youngest, our 8 year old. On our way back from the store, we passed the veterinarian’s building. He (or she) always has funny sayings on the reader board and today’s said, “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!” My 8 year old didn’t quite understand, so I led him through the logic.

Me: “Okay, so the early bird gets the worm, right?”
Him: “Right.”
Me: “And the second mouse gets the cheese. So why not the first mouse?” [silence] “Now think about it. Where’s the cheese?”
Him: “With the bird?”
Me: “No… where does a mouse usually find cheese? [still silence] “Do you know what a mousetrap is?”
Him: “Oh, yes!”
Me: “Okay, so where’s the cheese?”
Me: “And why doesn’t the first mouse get the cheese?” [even more silence] “Okay…what happens when a mouse touches a mousetrap?”
Him: “It cuts it in half?”
Me: “Close… it snaps across the neck and kills him. And then..?”
Him: “The second mouse gets the cheese!”
Me: “Right!”
Him: (after a pause) “Yeah…TEAMWORK!”
Me: “I don’t know that the first mouse sees it that way…”