Today we entered the Bluetooth age.

We’ve been resisting for quite some time, not really seeing a need for it. Our requirements are simple, and email and/or a quick phone call are usually enough. We don’t use the internet browsing features on our cell phones, since we are almost always within easy reach of one of our desktop or laptop computers. Very rarely, we will text each other, usually when a phone call would be too intrusive or it might take a while to see and respond to email. Today we gave in and bought Bluetooth headsets for our cell phones. We haven’t had a land line for years, so cell phones and computers are our main lifeline for communications.

Actually, it was more of a necessity. Washington State recently enacted a law prohibiting talking on the phone while driving, unless it was “hands-free”.

(Sigh…) Now I have to learn the voice command functions on my cell phone, which I’ve avoided for years.

I’m getting a little more used to working from home, though there are still times that I feel I’m going to go stir crazy unless I get out of the house for a bit. Fortunately, the dogs provide some temporary diversions during the day. There’s just so much to do, what with finalizing the closing of our Ft. Lauderdale house and finding a permanent home here, not to mention the daily household chores that need to be kept up with. I feel like I need a vacation, or at least a nice long weekend with nothing to do. Maybe Labor Day.

Speaking of finding a new home, it’s starting to look like we’ll be buying across the Sound and on the peninsula in the Bremerton or Gig Harbor areas. The Seattle real estate market hasn’t really experienced the downturn most of the rest of the country faces, so finding a decent sized house with a decent sized lot means getting out of most of the metro area. So, we’ll just be a ferry ride away from the city center.

More on that later, though, as we’re going to spend part of next weekend exploring the area and checking out homes on the market.

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