Welcome to our blog.  This is my first attempt at one, and we’re looking forward to the experience.  I’m going to be trying different schemas, updating links and graphics, and who knows what.  Don’t be too surprised if  the look of the site changes unexpectedly–it just means that I’m working in the back-end to try and make the site more attractive and user friendly. 

Over the last two years, I haven’t had much time or inclination to spend on keeping the site more current.  I think that’s about to change, and one of those changes is this blog.  I’ve also added a Chat Room component to help you keep your conversations even more real-time, and I’ve added a Message Board Forum for those who prefer that format. 

As of this writing, this blog doesn’t really have a theme or purpose, other than to give me an outlet to vent some of what I’m feeling and going through.  I’m currently closely following the on-going Democratic Primary, with growing dismay.  The best source for reasonably unbiased news about what’s going on in the political world that I have found is The Carpetbagger Report by Steve Benen.  Remarkable posts, and many of the commentors are quite good, too.  I’m also a strong advocate of GLBT civil rights and will occasionally post on that.  I used to have a great page of links for resources to use in our struggle, and I’ll try to find it and incorporate at least part of it into the links available here.  And, last but not least, I’ll be writing here about what’s going on in our lives.  Jeffrey may chime in on occasion, as may others if the situation arises.

 Any technical issues you encounter should be directed to me at michael@jeffreymichael.com.
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 Fasten your seat belts, kids, it’s going to be a bumpy ride!!  (For a while, at least.)

Thanks in advance for your patience.

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