Happy Atumnal Equinox!! Sorry it’s been so long since the last post, but we’ve been very busy. I must be doing something right with this blog, though, because my spam filter is catching quite a few spam posts the last couple of weeks. I just wish more people would respond to the posts, or use the link to send an email.
We decided that the first room we need to re-do, and immediately, was the master bedroom, mostly because that king size bed is such a pain to take apart, move and get back together. The room was in sad shape. Old 70s wooden panelling on one of the walls (painted over, naturally), and ugly painted over wallpaper borders along the ceiling and about chair rail level. Last weekend, we started our first major project on the house.
It was supposed to be a kind of catch-up and high priority kind of weekend. Saturday, we drove up to Silverdale to pick up our Costco membership cards, then drove up a little farther and caught the Bainbridge ferry over to Seattle. We drove up to visit our previous hosts for a while, and to pick up any mail they had for us. The mail forwarding update is working now, so we shouldn’t have to do that particular task again soon. But we do like visiting with Bill and Esther. We’re going to go over again the next time our honorary god-daughter comes back to visit, and they’ll be coming over for the house-warming party.
A couple of weeks ago, Jeffrey was checking out different places for new flooring for the house, and found a place right here in Bremerton with great prices, and stock of a particular wood floor that was on clearance. They had enough for two of the bedrooms, so we wound up buying their remaining stock. Sunday, Jeffrey laid the new floor while I was in the backyard putting up chicken-wire fencing so we could finally let the dogs off of their tethers. It only took a few days for them to find a shallow place on the north fence to dig under and get out of the yard. An alert neighbor noticed them and let me know, and I got the dogs back in the yard, found the hole and plugged it. They were on the tethers for another few days while I made sure there were no other such areas, and to hopefully start training them that if they get out of the yard on their own, there will be consequences. Hopefully, not fatal (think cars and trucks).
Back to our first project. We had the foresight to take “Before” pictures, and as soon as we finish the final touches, we’ll have “After” pictures, and I’ll post them somewhere on the main website.
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