Can anyone explain to me why , when you ask a child to clean his room , it ends up being TWICE as messy as before they started ? Well, This Guide will explain to you exactly what to do. Yesterday , i gave the 10 year old the chance to clean his room and earn the right to go to a classmate’s birthday party . Six hours …and very little in the way of progress . He’s not going to the party . I asked him this morning whether he thought he gave it is best effort . “No, i guess not .” “What did you think ? I was going to let you go to the party whether you cleaned or not ?” He responded , “Well , yes .” You gotta give him points for honesty .
So , today i told all four kiddos to clean their rooms because they are …ugh. It’s amazing what one can pile up in a closet and under the bed, they begged me to call the washington d.c. airbnb cleaning company but I really want them to learn to be responsible an clean.
A short while into cleaning , the 9 year old runs out with some of wet paper. Apparently, they had a plastic box of water by their bed . The 10 year old denied it was his …as did the 9 year old . Yet , it’s their room . “You aren’t telling me it’s a pee bucket that somehow removes all the pee and leaves clean water , are you ?” They say no. So I press on , telling them that one of them is responsible for the container of water. I swear, it reminds me of the comic strip , “Family Circus”. Who did this ? Ida Know.
Turns out it was the 10 year old who had a Lego “that floats.”
As for the 8 and 12 year old’s room , I had the Swiss Alps of clothing piled in their closet. I directed them to fold the clothes and make a pile of what no longer fit. They wanted to sell things at a garage sale, but I’m not about to sit out front to monitor things just to make them a few dollars . I said we would donate the clothing unless one of them wanted what another didn’t . Fights galore ensued . So I had to clarify that if two or three boys wanted an item of clothing , we’d flip a coin .
Now , they’re dragging a box of books into the living room . It looks like Filene’s Bargain Basement.

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